Ango — Spring Practice Period 2025
Ango, or Practice Period, means “Peaceful Dwelling”. There are several events offered during this time: however, the Ango occurs within each one of us — exactly where we are.
Painting by Sue Dirksin, Untitled, with artist's permission.
Zazenkai 2025 — Half-Day Retreats
“You should know that this (zazen) is the complete path of the buddha-dharma, and nothing can compare to it. “
---Dogen Zenji
Meditating Buddha, ca. 3rd–5th century Gandhara, The Met, public domain..
New Year's Eve with Monterey Bay Zen Center
Join Monterey Bay Zen Center as we cross the threshold into 2025 with zazen, service, readings, aspirations and light fare.
Photo by Stéphane Juban on Unsplash.
Mid-Week Meditation
All are welcome, come as you are, Zen practitioner or not. We simply gather together for a while...quiet and still in the middle of it all...look into a reading...and go on our way.
Painting: artist unknown - by permission from owner Steve Mann
Hiding a Heron in the Moonlight
Zen and the art of harmonizing difference and equality — an invitation to healing and transformation of what divides us within and without.
New Class Series Offers Alternating Weekly Themes
Sundays to May 12. In-person only. Click through to see times.
Suggested donation $15-$30 per single class meeting or $60-$100 per month.
Image by Amy from Pixabay.
Zazenkai — Half Day Sitting
This half-day sitting for beginners and experienced practitioners, led by MBZC Teaching Council Member Robert Reese, will include instruction in the details of posture, breath, and establishing the mental disposition of experiencing panoramic awareness.
Photo: Japan Gates by Robert Reese
Spring Practice Period 2024
Practice Period is created to sustain our efforts in the circumstances of our everyday life and work. To support this endeavor, we have created a series of options from which you can form an ongoing practice that cultivates and encourages you to go deeper into your own life.
Image: Own work, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The hand with a wheel on the palm is a symbol for Ahimsa. The word "ahimsa" is inscripted within the wheel.
Introduction to Soto Zen Buddhism
Join us for an introduction into the forms, spirit and practice of Soto Zen.
Led by Sara Hunsaker of the MBZC Teaching Council
Click on image for more information. Arun-prakash on Unsplash
New Year's Eve Zazenkai — a half-day sit with Dogen
A mini-retreat that gives us the opportunity to sustain our personal meditation practice in a community setting. The short retreat will focus on the method and practice of Dōgen Zenji, who established Soto Zen in Japan. In addition to sitting zazen and walking kinhin meditation there is also tea and cookies and a talk.
Led by Shogen Danielson of the MBZC Teaching Council
In-Person only at McGowan House Zendo
Dogen painting believed to be in public domain.
For All in the Ten Directions
We are sorry, but reservations are no longer available.
A sangha celebration of the fall season and vegetarian cuisine freely offered to the MBZC community.
Mark your calendar. Click the food image for more information.
Image by Robert Reese.
Hungry Ghosts Ceremony
Ceremonial ritual of the Hungry Ghosts in Soto Zen Tradition.
In the blue sea where
cormorants and hungry ghosts have already swum — Kaneko Tōhta
Everyone welcome. Costumes and noise makers encouraged but not required.
Follows regular Tuesday evening zazen at 6:30 PM.
Image by Robert Reese
Zazenkai — Half Day Sitting
A zazenkai is a mini-retreat. This half-day sesshin, lead by MBZC resident priest Guy Riina focuses on sitting and walking meditation. Zazenkai gives those on a limited schedule the opportunity to sustain personal meditation practice in a community setting.
Image by Pngtree: Zen
Introduction to Zen Buddhism
Join us for an introduction into the forms, spirit and practice of Soto Zen.
Led by resident priest Diane Wells.
Click on image for more information. Arun-prakash on Unsplash
Old Age, Sickness and Death — a Conversation
Through conversations and discussions, workshop leaders Kathy Whilden and Guy Riina will explore their personal experiences with aging as well as their experiences with illnesses and the medical system.
Please click through on the image (provided by Kathy Whilden) for all workshop details.
Ben Connelly: Imagination, Interdependence, and Liberation
Dive into this empowering approach to freedom from suffering and from harmful personal and social patterns—and find peace and joyfulness in the present.
In this workshop, you’ll discover how wisdom from fourth-century India can be harnessed to heal and transform systems of harm within ourselves and our communities.
Click through on the image for full details.
Photo provided by Ben Connelly.
Introduction to Zen Buddhism
In this introduction to Zen, we will look at some of the core teachings of Buddhism through the lens of the Soto Zen lineage. Through meditation, talks and discussion, we will discover how the ancient teachings are as alive today as during Buddha’s time.
Click on image for more information (Chinese seal “Zen” @pngtree)
Compassionate Communication: Language of an Open Heart
Drawing from Nonviolent Communication and Buddhist practices, this day of meditation and learning helps us embrace relationship challenges as opportunities for increased intimacy and healing.
Led by Patricia Wolff
Ryōzen Kannon Temple near Kyoto, Japan. Kannon: Avalokiteshvara, Compassion Bodhisattva.
Click through on the image for full details.
Practice Period CLOSING DAY SIT
ADDED DAY SIT Easter Sunday April 9. 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
McGowan House Zendo and on Zoom.
PDF for Study: Thich Nhat Hanh's 5 Skandhas
Master for future Activities 2-12
February 5-April 2.
Practice Period is created to sustain our efforts in the circumstances of our everyday life and work. To support this endeavor, we have created a series of options from which you can form an ongoing practice that cultivates and encourages you to go deeper into your own life.
Click through the image and return here as we add details. Image: Nathan Jennings on Unsplash
Introduction to Zen Buddhism
What is Zen? What is Zen meditation?
These are among the questions we will address in this overview of Zen's place in Buddhism. This session will be led by Sara Hunsaker of the MBZC Teaching Council.
All are welcome. No one will be turned away.
Third Ancestor Sengcan, from Chinese woodblock print series 1880, Qing Dynasty, public domain.
With Nothing to Attain
With Nothing to Attain, an introduction class to the Heart Sutra, led by Robert Reese, is slated for all Saturday afternoons in January. Primary text is the chapter “Sound of Emptiness: The Heart Sutra” from Living by Vow: A Practical Introduction to Eight Essential Zen Chants and Texts by Shohaku Okumura, Roshi. By suggested donation.
"Pink, Gray Mobius Strip" by Tom Nakashima, courtesy Green Chalk Contemporary.
(Pulp painting on handmade paper, 32 in X 33 in.)
For more information or click the image.
Reciting the Lotus Sutra
Shogen Danielson leads an all-day reading of the Lotus Sutra on New Year’s Eve at McGowan House. Also online.
Click title above to express interest in attending or reviewing full details.
By suggested donation.
Image details on our Sutras page with link to full resolution at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Samu/Soji — Service/Practice
Our MBZC Directors will lead “samu” (work practice) at McGowan House on this Sunday.
Snacks provided!
"Monk Gardening" by Eduardo Prim on Unsplash
Hungry Ghosts Segaki Ceremony
Artwork by Pat Watson for MBZC. All rights reserved.
Following Zazen & Kinhin
Led by Shogen Danielson
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind— a few weeks with Suzuki Roshi.
Class led by Sara Hunsaker, priest in the Shunryu Suzuki lineage and teacher on the MBZC Teaching Council.
Saturdays: through 8 October, 4:00-5:30 PM - Online only
(Photo by Robert S. Boni from the original dustjacket/back cover of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, c. 1967)
Awakening to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life
This class will study the Bodhisattva Way of Life (Bodhicharyavatara), an early Mahayana text by the Indian Buddhist monk Shantideva. This eighth-century poem is relevant to our lives today.
If we equate 'giving' with 'freedom from craving' then we become more eager to give ~ even if it causes [us] some pain.~ Pema Chodron
Image: "#10a Newari Green Tara SHANKAR" by shankargallery, Flickr commons
Introduction to Zen Buddhism
Zen focuses on a direct experience of this very life in each moment.
This class is an exploration and concise history of Zen, some of the basic elements of Zen teachings and practice, and its relevance to our daily lives.
Led by Guy Riina, an ordained priest in our Soto lineage.
Open to all. Donations as affordable to MBZC.
Image: Zen Heart Sutra juliedjenkins FAVPNG
In-person introduction to Zazen
Nong V on Unsplash
Zazen Instruction Returns
5:30 PM, just prior to Tuesday Evening Zazen on May 31/again in July TBD
Carl Cherry Center for the Arts
In-person practice protocols apply. (In-person only, will not broadcast.)
Led by MBZC Teaching Council's Sara Hunsaker
Soto Zen Priest Ordination
Shukke Tokudo
Guy Riina and Diane Wells
Soto Zen Priest Ordination Ceremony
Carl Cherry Center for the Arts & Onine
CLASS SERIES - Birth and Death: Resolving the Great Matter
The important point of studying Shoji (Life and Death) is that our life is extremely fragile and therefore it is precious. We need to take care of our life without clinging to it. — Shohaku Okumura Roshi.
Led by Robert Reese & Shogen Danielson
Eight (8) Saturdays, February 19, 26; March 5, 12, 19, 26; April 2, 9; 4:00-5:30 PM
Steven Harper: Tassajara Zen Mountain Center Photo Tour on Flickr Commons (rendered B&W).