Sewing room
Zenke Blanche Hartman and Joshin-san,
Buddha Hall, City Center San Francisco
December 12, 2019
By Diane Wells
It is quiet in the MBZC sewing room right now. Nan finished her rakasu and took the precepts last month. I made a zagu for a friend who was ordained earlier this month and there is no one sewing for any future ordinations right now.
I continue to go to San Francisco City Center every couple of weeks. I function as a rakasu teacher in the sewing room there and continue to learn to sew and teach Nyoho-e. Nyoho-e means the traditionally hand-sewn robe considered to be one with buddhadharma. It is a great joy to me that I can continue to learn and practice this lovely sewing tradition. I will attend a sewing sesshin at City Center in January, which will be a nice lead in to our practice period in February.
While the sewing room is quiet I would like to do some more secular sewing….oryoki linens, or perhaps some simple sitting garments. Please let me know if there is any interest in these activities.
December 31, 2019
Here it is New Year’s Eve 2019! The eve of the second round of “The Roaring Twenties”. As we ring in the new year we open our new web presence. MBZC on the internet now looks as bright and welcoming and vital as it is in person. I am so happy to acknowledge our media team, Joe Hall, Clara Nieto, and John Light. What a fabulous job you have all done!
I am home tonight with my family. My sister had a chemo treatment this afternoon and is sleeping it off in the back of the house. Hugh and the dogs are patiently waiting for the scones to bake, and I am here, sharing my thoughts with you. The moment feels full and right. Happy New Year’s to you all.
by Diane Wells
Sewing as a meditation and practice.
Diane Wells is Lay-ordained and has been practicing Buddhism since 1982.
She is currently a sewing teacher at Monterey Bay Zen Center and San Francisco City Center